Our roof must be replaced before next winter or the resulting leaks will cause expensive damage to the rest of the structure. We have therefore decided to go ahead with repairs in August and the hut will be shut to all users for several weeks at least.

We need to find over £30k for this work. Our plan is to aim to raise 1/3 of this from grants. 1/.3 from fundraising and 1/3 from our reserves. If we can exceed those targets for Grants and/or Fundraising that would be even better as it would leave our reserves for other upcoming large expenses (the floor needs replacing and the hut is neither green not efficient).

Fortunately, there are many sources of grant (from the Town Council to the National Lottery) and we’ve already made a number of applications and plan to submit several more over the next few weeks. Fundraising is also starting to take off with bag packing just completed at Waitrose and other plans in the pipeline. Keep your eyes open for announcements. We’ll need your time and your cash if you can spare us a little of either.